We Are An Authorized Spit Sock Hood Master Stocking Distributor
Spit Sock Hood was designed to fulfill a need that has long posed a problem for law enforcement personnel. The simple threat of spit is a fact that officials can not prevent but have come to accept. With consultation and advice from Law enforcement, EMT, Military officials and Hospital personnel, Spit Sock was created to prohibit the transfer of saliva.
Spit Sock Hood
- Prohibits Spitting
- Helps keep patrol car clean
- Catches and retains blood, vomit and other bodily fluids
- One size fits all
- Allows you to observe your suspect’s face
- Individually packaged
- Safe, secure fit
- Disposable
- Lightweight material
- Elastic neck allows for fast and easy removal
- Helps curb aggressive behavior
Law enforcement personnel are sworn to protect the citizens of their community. However, it is not reasonable to expect officers to expose themselves unnecessarily to disease.